Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Differences between Indoor and Outdoor Tracks

School administrator Naomi Tetherly has years of experience facilitating education in public schools. Also an avid runner, Naomi Tetherly runs on both indoor and outdoor tracks

Aesthetically, indoor tracks are different from outdoor tracks. For starters, indoor tracks are smaller than outdoor tracks. Indoor tracks are 200-meter ovals, while outdoor tracks are 400-meter ovals. Because of they are larger, outdoor tracks allow runners to fully stretch themselves and are better suited for long-distance running. Smaller indoor tracks have narrow turns and short straightaways, which subject runners to a large centripetal force. This makes it harder for them to fully stretch themselves. 

Another difference is that indoor tracks often have sloped turns to compensate for their tighter curves. Some runners find it difficult to maintain balance on these turns and even tumble and fall. It takes skill and practice to adapt to an indoor track. Because of this, personal best times on indoor tracks are usually much slower than outdoor tracks.

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